Tuesday May 21, 2024 | 8:00 pm | sliding scale ($5-20)
Wet Ink Ensemble with Sam Pluta | Neidhardt, Gong, Burt
WET INK brings daring experimental compositions to the Red Room. All music is performed and composed by Sam Pluta, Josh Modney, and Mariel Roberts.
A local trio of sonic texture connoisseurs will open the night consisting of Paul Neidhardt, Max Gong, and Samuel Burt.
The Wet Ink Ensemble is a collective of composers, performers and improvisers dedicated to adventurous music-making. Named “The Best Ensemble of 2018” by The New York Times, Wet Ink’s work is rooted in an ethos of innovation through collaboration, extending from the music and the unique performance practice developed in the “band” atmosphere of Wet Ink’s core octet of composer-performers, to projects with a broad range of renowned creators, from Evan Parker to George Lewis to Peter Ablinger, and committed performances of music by young and underrepresented composers, from today’s most promising emerging voices to the next generation of artists.
Paul Neidhardt is a percussionist, a member of the High Zero collective, a drum instructor, and dance accompanist. His work focuses on extended techniques to create non-traditional drum sounds and textures. He plays in Umbilicus and hosts the Red Room’s monthly improvisation workshop.
Maxwell Gong is an improviser and composer. He designs and improvises with his software instrument and uses piano and trumpet in unorthodox ways in his compositions. In his music, he explores liminal spaces and non-hierarchical collaborations. He holds a master’s degree in Computer Music at Peabody and has founded and led the Peabody Improvisers Collective for two years.
Samuel Burt is a composer, improviser, and college educator. He performs on clarinet, bass clarinet, daxophone, computer, and modular synthesizer. His music focuses on unfolding processes and generative routines. With reed instruments and feedback patching, he explores unstable sounds that are on the threshold of chaos.