Thursday January 28, 2021 | 8:30 pm | sliding scale
The Red Room in Your Room Returns: Winter 2021!!!
The Red Room In Your Room Returns 2021
The return of our web-based series! TRRiYR arose last Spring in response to the COVID quarantine and the discontinuation of our regular Red Room events (continuous since 1996!!!). We’re having a go again to make the best of the coming winter and ongoing pandemic. The new run will start on Thurs Jan 28 2021 and will continue for 10 weeks airing each Thursday. 3 new sets each week by artists within and without Baltimore.
As always we strive to present experimental and improvised music in every possible way one can define such things. We’ve called in on our 21 years of High Zero Festival Alumni for all new sets in high quality audio and video. Expect musics ranging from “out classical,” noise, free jazz, extended technique virtuosi, homemade instruments, sampling/tape collage, custom synthesis, and more. We emphasize artists from Baltimore and that locality but also will present folks from exotic places such as California, Japan, Wisconsin, Palestine and New England USA.
- Jan 28: Tongue Depressor (Henry Birdsey, Zach Rowden, New England), J A Deane (Colorado), Neil Feather & Rosie Langabeer (Baltimore/New Zealand)
- Feb 4 Mabel Kwan (Chicago), Dirar Kalash & Leyya Mona Tawil (Palestine West Bank/Detroit)
- Feb 11 Jaime Branch (NYC), Patrick McMinn (Balt), Tony Lugo (Balt)
- Feb 18 TBA
- etc!!!
Please join us!
Thursdays with virtual “doors” @ 8:30PM EST, 9pm “showtime”
Eastern Standard Time
Eastern Standard Time