New Works is a screening series dedicated entirely to Film and Video artists based in Baltimore, MD. Typically, there are two central stipulations for artists we’ve invited to participate: you must be based in Baltimore and you must attend the screening. Our mission is to foster community among local image-makers and promote, support, and grow the local scene. The series was founded by Jimmy Joe Roche in 2016.

NEW WORKS • NOV. 22 • 7 & 9 pm ( same program ) 

Rozie Jordan

Phil Davis

Nicky Smith

Gillian Waldo

Meredith Moore

TJ Domingue

Connor Kizer

Kayla Drzewicki

Mecca Lewis

Kevin Blackistone

Sonya Norko

Martin Shmidt

Zoe Friedman

Christopher McManus



Jimmy Joe Roche | Programmer

Jimmy Joe Roche is an interdisciplinary artist whose work encompasses video, sculpture, and performance. Video screenings include the Royal Academy of Arts in London, Boston Institute of Contemporary Art, J. Paul Getty Museum, and Museum of the Moving Image. Roche has had five solo exhibitions in New York, Texas, and Colorado. His artwork is in the permanent collection at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Roche has created commissioned work for Dazed and Confused Magazine, Incubate Arts Festival and Harvestworks. He runs the cassette tape label Ultraviolet Light and is a member of the High Zero Collective. Roche exhibits video with the internet-based collective Undervolt and is a professor of Film and Media at Johns Hopkins University.

Gillian Waldo | Programmer

Gillian Waldo was born and raised in Baltimore. Her most recent film, “I Know What I Saw,” screened at the 2018 Winnipeg Underground Film Festival. She loves 7-11 and Errol Morris’ early work.

Lydia Milano | Programmer

Lydia Milano is an artist who lives in Baltimore, MD. Projects which Lydia has contributed to have screened at the Maryland Film Festival, San Sebastian Film Festival, District Cinema Student Film Festival, and Old Bay Spice’s Instagram feed. Passions include filmmaking, animation, and screen printing t-shirts.



Event location:

Red Room at Normals Books and Records

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.