Nia Hampton
“Do You Agree to the Terms & Conditions?”
A Capitol B.0.0.M. BOOM! Live Public Radio Show Experience!
Lynn Tomlinson
The Elephant’s Song
Carrie Fucile and Brenton Lim
Dada Morte: A collaborative multimedia performance exploring the ephemeral nature of our bodies and technologies.
About the Social Contracts Festival
An arts festival that engages various sites across Baltimore City and Baltimore County
In collaboration with TU COFAC CoLab, Directors Dr. Kalima Young and Ada Pinkston, are excited to announce the final installment of their three-year Invisible Architectures project: Social Contracts. Regional artists proposed various exhibitions and performances featured in this dynamic interdisciplinary festival scheduled over March – June 2024.
Stay up to date on the festival and check out the work over these past three years:
About Invisible Architectures in CoLab
The COFAC CoLab is an incubator for ideas, projects and collaboration. The lab is a home for interdisciplinary work. It’s a hub where ideas can be cross-fertilized and put into motion. Designed as a space where fields of study are porous, the objective is to build new knowledge for an ever-evolving world. Professors Dr. Kalima Young, (Department of Electronic Media & Film) and Ada Pinkston (Department of Art + Design, Art History Art Education) were selected to be Towson University’s College of Fine Arts and Communication CoLab Directors from 2021-2024.