HOT DATE is Shayna Dulberger (bass & electronicws) and Chris Welcome (guitar & electronics)

In search of the same sound, an upright bass no longer functions in the supporting role and a guitar is not used as a melodic or chordal instrument. An instrument is only a tool used to achieve the whole palette of sounds. All hierarchy of pitch, rhythm and form are abolished. Any structures that occur arise independently and organically. From the highest to lowest frequencies and from the purest tones to the noisiest textures, all are achievable.

Baltimore experimental luminaries Khristian Weeks (objects, situation), John Dierker (reeds), Andy Hayleck (electronics). Both Khristian and John have recently performed in High Zero (Khristian performed an amazingly transformative solo) and Andy Hayleck will perform in this years festival.

Event location:

The Red Room 425 East 31st St. Baltimore, MD 21218

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.