Enjoy the final night of Baltimore’s – and potentially the world’s – greatest improvisation-centered experimental music festival!
Rachel Beetz flute, electronics
Set 1
Che Davis trombone
Thomas Florinpiano
Bonnie Lander voice
Sam Newsomesoprano sax with horn preparations
Chris Williamstrumpet
Set 2
Putu Tangkas Adi HiranmayenaBalinese gamelan
Mickey Lusk harp
Jamal Moore reeds, percussion, electronics
Set 3
CK Barlow sampling
Obie Feldi computer
Sam Pluta electronics
Mary Staubitzobjects
Set 4
Ishmael Ali cello, SP-404
Darien Baiza drums
Patrick McMinn trumpet, electronics
The Emperor King Bishop: Solomon Selassie sax, keys, bass, electronics, voice