High Zero Continues! Saturday Nights get packed, book ahead or come early!

Check out our website for full info on High Zero artists, venue, events etc

Sam Newsome soprano sax with horn preparations

Set 1
Rachel Beetz flute, electronics
Che Davis trombone
Sam Pluta electronics
Luc Vitkaccordian, hichiriki, synth, drums
Adam Zanolinibass, flute

Set 2
Obie Feldi computer
Bonnie Lander voice
Tom Leonardsonsynthesizer

Set 3
Jamal Moore reeds, percussion, electronics
Roman Norfleetvoice, reeds, electronics, percussion
The Emperor King Bishop: Solomon Selassie sax, keys, bass, electronics, voice
Adam Zanolinibass, flute

Set 4
Titania Bertiviolin
Mickey Lusk harp
Patrick McMinn trumpet, electronics
Mary Staubitzobjects

Event location:

45 W. Preston St., Baltimore, MD

The Red Room is a volunteer-run space in Baltimore dedicated to mind-expanding experimental culture, headquartered at Normals Books and Records.