We at The Red Room are simply delighted to present Argentine electroacoustic composer Beatriz Ferreyra, who will be playing a selection of pieces through the Red Room’s multi-channel system. Devoted Red Room fans may remember hearing a diffusion of her “L’Orvietan” at our Diffusion: GRM concert at 2640 in November. Beatriz will be playing two sets, the first preceded by a multi-channel piece (not performed live but no less a thrill to hear) by Red Room stalwart Jeff Carey and the second by trusty mind expander Twig Harper, who will bring his shamanic touch to an evening of entrancing electronic sound NOT TO BE MISSED.
Beatriz Ferreyra was born in Cordoba, Argentina in 1937, beginning her musical career studying piano in Buenos Aires. Following her move to Paris in the early ’60s, she studied music theory with Nadia Boulanger, began the study of electronic music with Edgardo Canton and later composition with Earle Brown and György Ligeti at the famed Darmstadt summer school.
In the midst of these studies she worked in the research department of the Office de Radiodiffusion Television Française (ORTF), working with the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM) directed by Pierre Schaeffer. She assisted with Henri Chiarucci’s and Guy Reibel’s “Rapport entre la hauteur et la fondamentale d’un son musical,” published in 1966 in Revue Internationale d’Audiologie and Pierre Schaeffer’s “Solfège de l’Objet Sonore.” During this time she also lectured at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. She worked with Bernard Baschet and his Structures Sonores in 1970, and served residencies in electronic music with Dartmouth College in 1976 and in 1998. Ferreyra identifies as an acousmatic composer, working with recorded sound created for a composition, having transitioned eventually from tape recorder to computer. She composes for concerts, festivals, ballets, music therapy and films.
Buy Tickets in Advance
Tickets for each concert will be limited to 20
7:30 concert Jeff Carey / Beatriz Ferreyra |
9:30 concert Twig Haper Beatriz Ferreyra |