Saturday November 18, 2023 | 7:30 pm | sliding 15
DIFFUSION FESTIVAL of Electro-Acoustic Multichannel Music – 2640 St. Paul Street NIGHT 2
This is the night when MYSTERIOUS GUEST (see the previous calendar post) from Norway presents and diffuses his personal comprehensive survey of the history of electro-acoustic music of Norway.
Fra Æ til Å
– En baklengs sledetur gjennom norsk eksperimentell, elektronisk og esoterisk musikk [2023-1958]
From Æ to Å
– A Backwards Sleigh Ride Through Norwegian Experimental, Electronic and Esoteric Music [2023–1958]
As mentioned in other calendar posts here…These evenings require nothing more than engaged listening, no special education or foreknowledge is necessary for enjoyment…though perhaps the foreknowledge that we will only provide metal folding chairs, so you might want to bring a butt-pillow, or a bean bag chair, or a joga mat and a blanket?
For me, (Martin Schmidt, here, president of the High Zero Foundation) this music represents the best movement towards a “classical music” of electronic music, and what has become a world of production techniques (and therefore, for the electronic and computer musician, compositional techniques) needs a forum of “serious” listening…and I think the statistically rarefied multi-channel environment is the right place. What do I mean by all that? Please find me before or after this event and I can try to make myself clear. Lol.
This is a special event for listeners. Please join us in listening together. Saturday November 18th at 7:30.
Brought to Baltimore by High Zero. Please join our Patreon and support these events happening into the future.