Thursday October 03, 2019 | 7:30 pm
Fred Frith Trio · Jamal Moore
Red Room and Space 2640 are delighted to present Oakland’s Fred Frith Trio and local luminary Jamal Moore. The trio (Fred Frith, guitar; Jordan Glenn, drums; and Jason Hoopes, bass) will be joined by a sexret musical guest and live visuals by Heike Liss. Note that this event is not at the Red Room but […]
Friday September 18, 2015 | 9:00 pm
Double duos at the Red Room! We’re very excited to present Oakland’s Black Spirituals, who will be joined by locals Ancestral Duo! Black Spirituals is a collaboration between Zachary Watkins and Marshall Trammell. “This duet features a new tradition in conversant, duo vernacular dynamics that sparked a revolution in our conceptions of space, stage, ritual, performance, […]